Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Road Trip: Phillip Island

Great trip. I'm sure there's lot to gush about but i'm not the gushing kind so... Just kinda rekindle the will to learn to drive. There's a much bigger reason to DRIVE in Aus than in S'pore. Yea... try to make some plan on that.

Experienced fog. Or rather driving through fog. Wish I managed to shoot at least one picture of it, the field where the cows were grazing would have been beautiful. Another cool pic would have been the incandescent lamps on the freeway. Tall tall lamp poles totally fogged leaving only a series of orange lights seemingly floating in the air.

I'm not sure if my other pictures came out good. Usually I do some reading up to refresh techniques. This time I just went ahead and just shot on instinct. I don't have bad instinct, much of the time it looks good. Hell, I'll see.

Prolly got more to say when I get back the results. In the meanwhile, here's a gd chance to intro a friend of mine I met here, Jam In The Head, who was also the driver of the trip. I'm sure she has plenty to say when she gets back from Sydney.


Blogger foxtwo said...

it was a cool trip. which can't be translated into words. i can't anyway.

1:57 am  

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